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Satisfied Clients in Australia

At Spinning Pets Yarn in Australia, we do everything we can to ensure you have a treasured memento from your beloved pet, even if they’re no longer with you. We take care and compassion in weaving every garment and accessory. Hear from our past customers on the service we provide.

Latest Testimonials

Throw blanket

When My soul dog Butchy crossed the rainbow bridge, my world crumbled, my heart was broken. I wanted to honour Butchy in a unique way so I would always feel connected to him. Marion was incredibly caring and compassionate, managing to spin Butchy’s Alaskan Malamute fur into a beautiful blankie that I will treasure for the rest of my days. (Pascale)

Warm hat

Doing a lot of my own knitting, I thought it a novel idea to have something made from our own lovable dog. So this super warm “Eevee” hat was created. Hothead anyone? (Michael)

Roi hat

We organized this as a surprize for my wife, and it worked! We live on the beach, so this is a welcome source of warmth on a windy beach day. (Randy)

Small pillow

I absolutely love my pillow and brooch. Boston had a way of calming me down. Now that he is not here anymore, I can still bury my head in his fur pillow and feel instantly calm. I am forever grateful for this service. (Paula)

Lady hat

Graham and Lady
Disposing of such a bounty of fibre feels wasteful, so in the spirit of re-cycling and in preparation for the inevitable, we turned Lady’s fibre into a new beenie, ahead of the Melbourne winter.(Graham)

Providing Comfort to Pet Owners

Collie Yarn

My beautiful collies are gone now, but I will still treasure the yarn and the scarf. It is much better than having just a bag of hair! (Gail of LochWind Estates)

"Hunter" Yarn

I can’t tell you how much comfort those balls of yarn continue to give me. It’s almost a year now since I lost Hunter and the pain is still awful! (Jo)

"Clawed" Knitting

Claude is a rascal and I wouldn’t be without him. His gorgeous soft fur even looks like him. (Erin)

"Tingri" Scarf

Thank you for making a very special gift for my wife. She was looking forward to wearing it, but Tingri thinks it is for him. (Dino)

Skye-fur picture frame

Skye was my heart that lived outside my body. We did everything together, had great adventures. It has been 2 years now, and the pain is no less. So grateful to have this picture frame and photo – it does help, just a little. (Adrian)

Gone But Never Forgotten

"Max" Memory Bag

Max, my beloved Japanese Spitz left us very recently but he is still here, on my dressing table, in the form of a “memory bag”, ready to pat whenever I miss him. (Vivian)

"Lucy" Yarn

Lucy, my golden retriever, is gone now, but the marvelous thing is that I have something to cuddle to keep her close. The yarn from her is glorious golden coat will become a blanket for my bed. (Margaret)

"Mango's" First Skein

My first poodle, Milo, left us before I had a chance to keep his fur, so when Mango, our new standard poodle joined our family, I began saving his fur immediately. A warm and luxurious vest was spun and knitted from Mango’s puppy fleece, the blanket took two more years of fibre, so now I am wrapped in my dog. (May)


I am so blessed to find someone to process Tommy’s fur. I miss him horribly and it means so much to me to still have something of him here – I can cuddle his pillow. (Kate)

Marvin-fur pictureframe

Marvin was just a puppy when he left us. So devastated, we found comfort in having his fur spun and made into this picture frame. We can treasure him every day and pat his fur every time we think of him. (Rebecca)

A Special Keepsake

Crochet Hat

Spurred on by the recent loss of our first husky, Degan, we took advantage of the opportunity to have the rest of the fur spun. Now we save the huge and continuous mountain of fur from the other 3 huskies for Marion, to spin for the Mawson’s Huts Foundation, for the replica Museum in Hobart. (Chiquita)

"Spirit" Blanket

Spirit, our much-loved Belgian shepherd, was 16 years old and nearing the end of her life. My son Mark asked me to knit a throw rug from her fur, as a special keepsake. I had been collecting her fur since she was a puppy. Initially, I hesitated to ring Marion because I thought she would think I was a nutcase, but she assured me that other pet owners had asked her to spin their pet’s fur, so I was in good company! (Ann)

Vest made from Zorro's fibre

Zorro became my lifeline after the death of my husband and now that Zorro is gone too, I can still keep him close. (Sharron)

Beanie made from Archie's fibre

Archie and Nigel are my pride and joy. It did not take me long to decide to have their fur spun, and now some of this lovely yarn has become a hat. (Cheree)

Warm, fluffy Scarf

Nikita left me before I was ready (is anyone ever really ‘ready’?) and this was my way to honour him and keep him with me. He keeps me warm and I keep him close. (Nick)

A Variety of Clothing

Mahana's pillow

This is a lovely memento of my cat. The extra whisker was a special Surprize. Thank you for providing a wonderful service and for making Mahana’s existence endure. (Angie)

Scarf in progress

This accomplished little fellow decided to let his “Mum” knit the scarf. It goes well with his suit and will be much admired on his Therapy Dog workdays at the Royal North Shore Children’s Hospital, in Sydney. (Robyn)

Scarf from Jemima's fibre

12yo Jemima, my Persian cat, is the perfect neck-warmer when I am at home. Having some of her fur spun and knitted into an eternity scarf is the perfect way for her to be my neck-warmer when I am not – for eternity! (Natasha)

Mittens made from Brandy's fibre

Brandy has been Marion’s model for her publicity pictures for various promotions, adding her own calm style and vibrant colour to the occasion. These mittens, fashioned from her spun fur, mean that I keep Brandy. Not only ever close to my heart, but also – literally – close at hand. (Tina)

Hat made from Lumi's fibre

We have a large number of huskies at Sled Dog Adventures Tasmania so also a MOUNTAIN of fur when it is time for the dogs to “blow-out”. There was only a small handful left when Marion came to Hobart for the Antarctic Festival in 2018. Nevertheless, she took that handful and, in front of the public and us, with the dogs, turned it into yarn enough for this beanie. We can now all dress alike, dogs and humans! (Prue)

Making Memories

Jess's yarn, ready to knit

I kept a couple of huge bags of clippings and brushings from a few of my darling Jess’s summer cuts. Keeping me updated with regular reports of progress, Marion spun her magic. The skeins of yarn are magnificent and ready to create something I can hug and will treasure forever! (Julie)

Berger Yarn ready to knit

Having Berger’s fibre spun with Barney’s is a beautiful way to treasure his memory forever. (Susan)

Fur Balls for the tree

Raven and Bear
These 2 guys were my best friends, and now that they are no longer here with me, I can remember and honour them each year, here on the Christmas tree. (Andrew)

High Fashion Poodle Jacket

I have wanted this jacket for a long time. Three years of poodle fur, spun and knitted so wonderfully, will keep me warm and elegantly dressed well into the future. (May)
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